Service Docs

Last Updated Jun 10, 2024

Getting started

Welcome to Appropriate Websites! This section and its subsequent subheadings are designed to guide you on how to start utilizing our platform effectively. Whether you are new to our services or need a refresher, these steps will help you understand our service.


A subscription with Appropriate Websites provides you with ongoing SEO services tailored to enhance your online presence continuously. Each subscription includes a specific number of keywords we manage, articles we produce per week, and on-page optimizations we perform. These elements are designed to improve your website's SEO and overall digital marketing effectiveness systematically.

Free Trial

At Appropriate Websites, we offer a 7-day trial period that allows you to experience our services with no obligations. This trial is designed to give you a glimpse of the value we can add to your project through our comprehensive research and content creation efforts.
  • Comprehensive Project Research: 
    During the trial, we conduct an initial research phase where we delve into understanding what your website is all about. We identify several relevant keywords that are crucial for your website's SEO and overall online presence. This research helps tailor our services to better suit your specific needs.
  • Access to Project Analytics: If you have granted us access to your Google services, such as Google Analytics 4, Google My Business, and Google Search Console, we will setup your project's analytics. This will give you insight into the current performance of your project.
  • Custom-Written Article: As part of our trial, our team of expert content writers will produce a well-researched article tailored to your niche. This article will include some of the keywords identified during our research phase. The aim is to demonstrate how our content can enhance your site's engagement and SEO.
Intellectual Property Rights
The article written during this trial period is entirely your intellectual property. You are free to post it on your website or use it in any way that benefits your business. This is our way of showing the quality and relevance of the content we can produce for you.

Switching subscription

Switching your subscription is straightforward. When you decide to switch, we will make the necessary adjustments based on your new selection. Your accounts team will communicate with you about how these changes will affect the delivery of our services. This ensures that you are always in the loop and satisfied with the adjustments made to your service package.

Canceling subscription

Should you decide to cancel your subscription, we ensure a smooth and transparent process. Once canceled, we will deliver all pending content within one week of the cancellation date. This policy is in place to ensure that you receive all the work that has been completed up to that point, respecting your time and investment in our services.

Subscription Board

We believe in full transparency and providing our clients with the tools they need to stay informed about their projects. Our Subscription Board is a key feature designed to give you a comprehensive view of all the tasks and progress related to your project.
Overview of the Subscription Board
The Subscription Board functions as a Kanban-style task management system. Each project you have with us gets its own dedicated board, which visually displays the different stages of tasks from initiation to completion.
Features of the Subscription Board
  • Task Visualization
    See all tasks related to your project as they move through various stages of completion. Tasks are represented as cards that progress from left to right, starting from planning, through execution, to final review and completion.
  • Progress Tracking
    At a glance, track the progress being made on your project. Each card on the board represents a specific task or milestone, providing details about the task status, the expected completion date.
  • Full Transparency
    The board is updated in real-time by our team, ensuring that you always have the most current information regarding your project. This level of transparency keeps you fully in the loop on how your project is advancing.
Non-Interactive Nature
While the Subscription Board offers a detailed view of your project's progress, it is designed to be non-interactive. This means that while you can view all activities and track progress, you won't be able to directly alter tasks or interact within the board itself. This structure ensures that project management remains streamlined and under the control of our dedicated team, allowing you to focus more on your core business activities without the need to manage project details.
Accessing Your Subscription Board
You can access your Subscription Board through your  dashboard. We ensure it's easy to navigate and use, even if you are not familiar with Kanban boards. If you have any questions about how to interpret the information on the board or need updates beyond what is displayed, our team is always ready to provide assistance and additional details.
The Subscription Board is a vital part of our commitment to maintaining open communication and transparency with our clients. It allows you to see the meticulous care and consistent effort that goes into managing and executing your project.

Understanding our process

At Appropriate Websites, our approach to enhancing your online presence is systematic and transparent. Below is an overview of each phase in our process, ensuring you know exactly what to expect when you partner with us.


The first and ongoing step in our process is research. We continuously monitor and analyze emerging trends in keywords relevant to your industry. This involves selecting new keywords and phrases that will help improve your website's search engine visibility and overall online reach.

Strategy development

Strategy development is tailored based on the current ranking of your website in search engines. This is an ongoing process that adapts to the ever-changing landscape of the internet and search engine algorithms. Our team develops and refines strategies that aim to improve your site's rankings and drive more traffic.

On-Page Optimization

On-page optimization is a critical component of our SEO services at Appropriate Websites. This process focuses on optimizing individual web pages in order to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic in search engines. The effectiveness of on-page optimization depends on a variety of factors, including content quality, keyword placement, and the overall user experience on each page.
  • Scope of Optimization
    The number of pages we optimize is based on your chosen subscription plan. This ensures that our efforts are aligned with your specific needs and the scale of your project.
  • Collaborative Process
    To determine which pages are best suited for optimization, your accounts team plays a pivotal role. Although our team generally has a strong understanding of which pages might benefit most from optimization based on their potential for traffic growth and conversion, we highly value your input and specific knowledge about your business. Therefore, we will communicate with you to discuss and select the pages that you believe should be prioritized for optimization.
  • Feedback and Selection
    Once potential pages for optimization have been identified, we seek your feedback to finalize our selections. This step is crucial as it ensures that our optimization efforts are fully in sync with your business objectives and the particular nuances of your industry.
  • Execution
    After finalizing the pages, our team implements a range of optimization techniques. These might include enhancing the meta tags, improving content quality for better keyword integration, optimizing images and videos, and ensuring that all technical aspects of SEO, like schema markup and URL structure, are effectively addressed. Each element is meticulously adjusted to comply with the best SEO practices.
By involving you in the decision-making process and tailoring our approach to your specific needs, we ensure that the on-page optimization not only improves your site's search engine visibility but also enhances the user experience, leading to better engagement and conversions


Content creation is a core part of our service. Depending on your subscription, we produce content on a weekly basis. You will be notified each time new content is ready. This content is crafted to align with the keywords and strategies we've developed, ensuring it enhances your SEO and engages your audience.


After content creation, we move to the feedback phase. You have the opportunity to review, approve, or provide feedback on the content. Our team is committed to collaborating with you to make necessary updates based on your feedback, ensuring the content meets your expectations and aligns with your brand’s voice.


The final step in our process is delivery. This includes posting the approved content on your website and, if necessary, on your Google My Business profile. Furthermore, an essential and impactful task in our process is the creation of high-quality backlinks. This strategic effort is crucial as it significantly enhances the reach and effectiveness of your content. By carefully placing these backlinks, we ensure that each piece of content not only reaches a broader audience but also supports your website's overall search engine ranking and authority. This comprehensive delivery method is meticulously designed to maximize the impact and benefit of each piece of content we produce for your business.

Reporting and Analytics

At Appropriate Websites, we prioritize transparency and accessibility, ensuring you have comprehensive insights into your project's performance. Our structured approach to reporting and analytics equips you with the tools needed to monitor and assess the impact of our services.
  • Databoard
    Our live databoard, referred to as the Analytics, in your dashboard shows real-time analytics concerning your project. This is available at any time and offers a detailed view of various performance metrics. The Databoard comes equipped with filters that allow you to view your rankings and analytics over different time ranges. This functionality enables you to track progress, compare performance periods, and identify trends that are crucial for strategic decision-making.
  • Monthly Comprehensive Reports
    Beyond the Databoard, your account team compiles a detailed monthly report that provides an in-depth analysis of your project's analytics. This comprehensive report covers trends, detailed performance metrics, and provides strategic recommendations tailored to your needs. Delivered directly to your inbox, this report is designed to offer a thorough understanding of the broader impacts of our services, facilitating informed planning and adjustments.
Together, the Databoard and our monthly reports ensure that you have a complete and accessible overview of your project's performance, enabling you to make well-informed decisions about your digital strategy.

Indexing and Sitemap

Ensuring your website is properly indexed by Google is crucial for visibility and success in search results. At Appropriate Websites, we handle the technical aspects of SEO, including indexing in Google and submitting sitemaps, to ensure that your site is easily discoverable and accurately represented in search engines.
What is Indexing?
Indexing is the process by which search engines like Google find and store web pages so they can be retrieved quickly when relevant queries are made. The goal of indexing is to optimize the visibility and searchability of your pages, making sure that they appear in search results for relevant keywords and phrases.
The Role of Sitemaps
A sitemap is a file where you can list the web pages of your site to tell Google and other search engines about the organization of your site content. Search engine web crawlers like Googlebot read this file to more intelligently crawl your site. A sitemap can include metadata about each URL, such as when the page was last updated, how often the page is changed, and any alternate language versions.
How We Manage Indexing and Sitemaps
  • Sitemap Creation
    We create a comprehensive sitemap of your website that includes all your pages, ensuring it's structured to enhance the discoverability of your content. This sitemap is regularly updated as new pages are added or old ones are modified.
  • Sitemap Submission
    Once the sitemap is created, we submit it to Google using the Google Search Console. This step is critical because it helps Google become aware of all the pages on your site, including any new changes or additions, ensuring they are indexed.
  • Monitoring and Updating: Post-submission, we continuously monitor the sitemap for any errors or warnings that might affect indexing. We also update the sitemap and resubmit it if significant changes to your site occur, such as new content additions or structural changes.

Communication with us

At Appropriate Websites, maintaining open and effective communication with our clients is fundamental to the success of each project. We offer various communication methods to ensure that discussions about your project are timely, relevant, and convenient.

Project inbox

Each project you undertake with us is assigned a unique Project Inbox. This dedicated communication channel is housed within your dashboard and serves as the primary point of contact for all project-related correspondence. Here, you can:
  • Send and receive messages:
    Directly communicate with your accounts manager and team members involved in your project.
  • Submit requests and receive updates:
    Easily submit specific requests or questions and receive updates on the progress of your project.
The Project Inbox is designed to centralize communication, ensuring that nothing gets lost in transit and every piece of information is readily accessible.

Online meeting

In addition to asynchronous communication through the Project Inbox, we may sometimes request online meetings. These meetings are especially useful for:
  • Discussing complex issues:
    Some topics may require a detailed discussion that is best handled in real-time.
  • Strategic planning sessions:
    Periodic reviews and planning sessions to align strategies with your evolving business goals.
  • Feedback and revisions:
    Live discussions can expedite the feedback process and help clarify any points of confusion regarding the project’s direction.